The HCSO understands the value of teamwork and agency-wide communication. Our personnel are dedicated to leading the way in the delivery of law enforcement services to the citizens we serve. Every day, our law enforcement and corrections personnel work together to ensure the safety and well-being of all Hamilton County citizens.


Those in HCSO’s Law Enforcement Services are the first to respond to emergencies and are responsible for enforcing laws in our community.


While Law Enforcement is making a difference on the outside, our Corrections personnel are making an impact on the inside. At the Hamilton County Jail & Detention Center, personnel in Corrections Services ensure the safety and security of inmates and staff and gather intel to share with law enforcement.


New Patrol Deputy and School Resource Deputies will be assigned a marked, patrol car that they can take-home after their shift. Take-home cars are assigned after new employees complete their Field Officer Training (FTO) program and if they meet the following criteria:

Employees with agency-owned take-home vehicles residing within Hamilton County or within the State of Tennessee and within fifteen (15) driving miles from the boundaries of Hamilton County can drive the vehicle home after showing proof the employee has acquired and agrees to maintain liability insurance coverage on the vehicle assigned. Liability coverage can be obtained by endorsement to the employee’s personal automobile policy that extends to the employee’s assigned agency-owned vehicle. The coverage is to protect the employee when driving any time other than when actively engaged in the performance of the employee’s duties.

View Take-Home Vehicle Radius Map
One of HCSO’s best benefits is our low-cost, semi-monthly health insurance premiums through Cigna Healthcare. You will receive quality healthcare and more take-home pay with these rates.

Semi-Monthly Premiums Cost
Employee Only $14.65
Employee + Child(ren) $26.35
Employee + Spouse $30.74
Employee + Family $43.90
Employees may also choose to take out additional dental insurance through Cigna and dental and vision insurance through Sun Life.

HCSO full-time employees receive retirement benefits through the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS).

For new employees, Hamilton County contributes 4% of the employee’s earnings. Employees are required to contribute 5% of their earnings since this is a pension retirement program. These contributions are done each pay period.

TCRS benefits are determined by a formula that includes the average of an employee’s five highest consecutive years of salary and years of service. Vesting rights are attained after 5 years of service.

A vested TCRS member becomes eligible for service retirement upon completing 30 years of membership service or upon reaching age 60. A vested member becomes eligible for reduced early retirement benefits upon reaching age 55. A vested member with 25 years of service may retire prior to age 55; however, the benefit will be further reduced to the actuarial equivalent of the benefit payable at age 55.

HCSO full-time employees can participate in a 401K plan.

Hamilton County will contribute 5% of your salary to the 401k plan. You, the employee, will have an option of contributing at least 2% of your salary that will go into the 401k Plan. Your deduction percentage can be altered and you can choose how to allocate your deduction up to the maximum allowable IRS limit to the 401k Pre-Tax, 401k Roth, or both.

Employees begin accruing 5.85 hours of paid time off (PTO) on their first paycheck. In a year, you will have earned enough hours to total 19 days of paid time off. Non-used PTO hours carry over each year to a maximum of 1680 hours. Each 5 years, the accrual rate increases and will max at 15 years.

Years of Service # Hours of PTO Accrued Each Paycheck
0-5 years 5.85 hours
5+ -10 years 6.77 hours
10+ -15 years 8.31 hours
15+ years 8.93 hours
Employees may also choose to take out additional dental insurance through Cigna and dental and vision insurance through Sun Life.

HCSO employees receive the following 13 paid holidays annually:
  • New Years Day
  • Martin Luther King's Birthday
  • Presidents' Day
  • Good Friday
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Veteran's Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Friday after Thanksgiving
  • Christmas (2 days)
Employees and their family members covered by the Hamilton County medical plan have access to the Hamilton County Employee Clinic for in-person and telehealth visits. Other perks that come with the Hamilton County Employee Clinic:
  • No copay
  • Same day appointments (depends on availability)
  • Labs, X-Rays, and other diagnostic equipment are on-site and are usually free
  • The clinic is right next to the Hamilton County Employee Pharmacy for your convenience
Note: Patients must be 3 years old or older to be seen at the clinic.

Those enrolled in Hamilton County health insurance plan, including spouses and children, can also get prescriptions filled at the Hamilton County Employee Pharmacy.

The Hamilton County Employee Pharmacy offers drugs at wholesale level pricing, meaning you can get them at a much lower rates than what is typically offered at a retail pharmacy. The pharmacy also has a wide selection of over-the-counter medicines and is conveniently located by the Hamilton County Employee Clinic.

The Well is a fitness facility provided free of charge to county employees and family members covered under the county medical plan. It offers cardio and strength-training equipment along with group exercise classes and personal training services on weekdays.

The Well is open 24/7 and is located by the Hamilton County Employee Clinic and Hamilton County Pharmacy.

Employees with higher education degrees can receive an annual education pay bonus.

Degree Type Bonus
Associate Degree $100
Bachelor's Degree $600
Master's Degree $800
After 5 continuous, uninterrupted years of full-time service with HCSO, employees can be eligible to receive an annual longevity pay bonus. Employees receive $75 per year of service, capping at 30 years.

HCSO benefit eligible employees receive up to $30,000 in Basic Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance through Hamilton County.

Employees can choose to take out additional life and disability insurance.


We're committed to recruiting the best individuals to join our team

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We're committed to recruiting the best individuals to join our team

Learn how to join the HCSO






Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office
600 Market Street
Chattanooga, TN 37402


Have more questions?
Contact us at:

(423)-209 7116

HCSO is an an Equal Opportunity Employer
No person shall be excluded from employment with the HCSO
based on race, color, creed, religion, age, gender, sexual
preference, political affiliation, national origin, or ancestry.

Have more questions?
Contact us at:

(423)-209 7116

HCSO is an an Equal Opportunity Employer
No person shall be excluded from employment with the HCSO
based on race, color, creed, religion, age, gender, sexual
preference, political affiliation, national origin, or ancestry.

Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office
600 Market Street
Chattanooga, TN 37402